As such, they receive wildlife for rehabilitation and host a hotline to advise how to handle wildlife needing care.
Their guidance helps protect people and pets from dangerous, and possibly fatal injury, disease or parasites. Inbound calls number into the thousands.
Though worthwhile, the Wildlife program requires specific supplies and infrastructure to house, feed and care for the 125+ different species served (over 3700+ animals annually). Without federal funding, the shelter is left to its own resources to fund this effort.
Timed for the weekend before Mother’s Day in homage to the wildlife baby season that occurs at that time, it is the one day of the year that the wildlife facility is open to the public.
The event was designed to educate the public on wildlife rehabilitation and drive donations (monetary and in kind) in support of the year’s wildlife season.
Highlights include a high-end bake sale, kids zone, gift shop, raffle prizes, education and animal interaction.
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• events reimagined
• events reimagined
• events reimagined
• events reimagined
• events reimagined
• events reimagined
• events reimagined
• events reimagined
• events reimagined
• events reimagined
• events reimagined
• events reimagined
• events reimagined