where we begin

Every event tells a story.

a technology arcade showcases new efficiencies.

online gaming drives competition.

a gala galvanizes people in support of a common goal.

Emotion drives behavior—so story matters. Understanding motivation, and the ability to craft content (storytelling) accordingly, leads to engagement. Layer on an over-the-top setting customized to reflect brand personality and event becomes experience, something remembered long after the event itself.

work with me.

Together we’ll elevate the ordinary.

areas of expertise

01. strategy

“An event planner is primarily concerned with doing things right. The event strategist is focused on doing the right things.” – John Nawn, Event Strategy Network

I build competitive event portfolios with flagship events that yield impactful results based on business goals.


I can help you with:

Powerful events are the product of high functioning team integration. Mindshare comes from everywhere—leadership, stakeholders, operations, event teams, vendors.

Outstanding communication skills—written and oral, internal and external—ensure your story stays on brand.

I can help with:

Examples of the above can be found within each Event Summary under “Media, Links, & Communications.

Business Objectives Analysis, Execution, Evaluation & Forensics

new & NOTeworthy

Cruise on Fox River sets sail with new perspective on indigenous wildlife.

Dr. Temple Grandin addresses sold out Gala in Geneva, IL.

Inaugural 5K launches in downtown Batavia.